Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Distributing our film!?

Hello, guys, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesdays!!!!

I'm excited to comment that these next few posts will be better than ever! Today I want to talk about the distribution of our film and the platforms that we want to use in order to promote it. Now, this is not an easy task, distributing our film isn't as easy as it might seem in movies or in ads. There are many platforms to be used for distributing films but not all of them are easy and won't accept you for the first time.

One of these platforms would be Youtube, this is the #1 distributor platform and it's used by many people by putting our film on Youtube we have a great chance to attract a certain audience that's interested in out film genre. But with youtube, we also run the chance for our movie to take long recognition because not many people are going to see it in their youtube.

Either way, we plan to distribute this film the best way we can without spending too much money due to us being Highschool students. Putting our film out there gives us a chance to get recognized for our work and this is one of the steps into signing with a company which won't happen so fast it will take time and we would have to make more projects in order for us to be recognized by a pic film company.

Another platform we could use is Twitch which has the same functions as Youtube and allows our product to be put out there. This platform also makes tons of money and with putting our film we could get lots of money to further out continue the film.

Image result for youtube #1 platform
well loves that's it for today's blogs can't wait to see you on the next blog

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