Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Hey guys!

so I know I promised a schedule today but unfortunately, it won't happen I've been having computer problems and internet problems all day hence I am writing this through my phone late at night. But I did get some work done on my own, I have compiled some research regarding the music Genre of our artist Loiro and I will be definitely be uploading that tomorrow! This research has helped me a lot with working throughout this project it has given me a clear idea of what direction I want this project to lead to so be on the lookout for the research!



Saturday, February 27, 2021

New Song?! New Album?!

 Hi Guys!!!

I am so excited about what I am about to tell you, I was talking today with Loiro and we were planning a schedule so we can go over everything for his new Album! I can't say much but I promise you this new album is going to be a change in his music. I just listened to one of his newest songs and OMG!! it is so freaking good I don't want to spoil anything but let me tell you that it is the best I've heard of him. Since I can't say much about it because it is still very much a surprise I will be telling you this, I am currently working on a schedule for a photoshoot with Loiro, I can't tell you what the photoshoot is for yet but I promise you it will be amazing! I still have to create a schedule that works best for us but once I have it done I promise you I will be telling you about it. I wish I could tell you more about his album and his new song but that would ruin the surprise so hang tight! on my next post I will be showing you guys the schedule and the marketing plan that I have in mind.



Friday, February 26, 2021

Meet Loiro

 Hi Guys!

as promised I will be presenting you to Loiro. Loiro is an 18-year-old artist from Venezuela but currently lives in South Florida. His current music style resided between reggaeton and Hip-hop but at first, that wasn't the case he was very much into rock music and didn't like rap or reggaeton, once he had moved to Florida started listening to rap music, from artists such as Kendrick or Cole to more old school ones like Nas and the Aftermath staff. he also started listening to more Latin trap and reggaeton artists like Bad Bunny and J balvin. Now, you might ask what his music consists of and why that makes him different, Loiro's music is a mix of American Hip-Hop with Latin Pop, while also combining both English and Spanish at the same time. As quoted by him "that's what makes me different, I'm just doing me." Some of Lorio's hits include "12AM" and "Lightskin." He also has many other singles and albums his latest one is Qrntn-EP this is his latest album done during the covid times and it is absolutely amazing. he has also been releasing singles his most recent one is "Roses". I can't wait for you guys to listen to his newest album he is working on, I will be keeping you guys updated!!!


I will be linking down his artist Spotify so you can give his song a listen!

Loiro Spotify



Thursday, February 25, 2021

Group Meetings!!!

 Hey Guys!!!!!

hope everyone is doing wonderful, Today in class we had group meetings! and this was extremely helpful toward this project having my peers give me ideas of how I can better this project allows me to do the best of the best. Although I haven't chosen the song I am promoting for the new album I had lots of ideas regarding the marketing plan of it!

I thoughts of many ways to promote this project using social media and websites as well as coming up with posts I could think of some are:

- Promoting the song through clips of behind the scene of the music video 

-Posts of the artist in the studio 

-post with the artist talking about the song 

my peers also gave me a lot of recommendations such as doing some research based on the genre of the artist I am promoting, doing some research will definitely help me think about what path I want to take with the artist branding. I am thinking of researching some of the popular reggaeton artists and re-brand my artist. They also recommended looking into the target audience, because reggaeton is not as popular in the U.S. I want to be able to reach a certain target audience that will want to support this artist. other things we talked about were the merch which I am not going to get into too much detail because that will be on a different post. I will be presenting you the artist on my next blog post so don't forget to check it out!



Sunday, February 21, 2021


 Hello guys!

so I spent most of my Sunday planning out the filming and marketing part of this project I actually asked my teacher about a few things I wanted to work on. Now I am going to work on the music production project which is SO exciting!! I texted my friend Sebas so he can be the artist I promote for this project his style of music is Hispanic Rap and I personally love rap music especially the Spanish one. I will be logging my schedule and what I'm working on, this blog will be different because I will try to incorporate some videos of the planning and filming process. 

I haven't created a full schedule yet, since I will be making it and sending it to Sebas for revision so it can work with both our schedules. Today I created a to-do list for the next few days here is what is on it.

TO-DO week of 22-26

1.Meet with Sebas and Plan schedule

2.Research Rap Music Genre  

3. brainstorm marketing plan 

4. research and work on the logo 

5. Finalize Schedule 

this is what I have so far on my To-Do list but I will be adding more to it. like I said before I can't wait for you guys to see this project!!



Friday, February 19, 2021

I'm Back!!!

Hey guys! I am back to posting on this blog for a new and fun project I'm working on for AICE Media Studies this time I decided to change things up a little bit and re-invent my blog and bring new a new theme that matches me. This new Portfolio project is going to be so much fun since it's something I'm very passionate about can't wait to show you guys!
