Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Characters

 Hello guys!

I wanted to talk a little bit about the representation of our characters. The Costales family is a Hispanic-Italian family, which is typically an underrepresented group in the film industry. Aria's dad is  Venezuelan, we realized that not many Venezuelans appear in American film and it's not a common sight. Here are so movies with Venezuelan actors:
Wishmaster (film) - Wikipedia
The Venezuelan actor in this film is Andrew Divoff
who played the Djinn
 Life as We Know It

Life as We Know It (film) - Wikipedia
Actress: majandra delfino

 Aria's mother, Giulia, is from Italy but speaks Spanish since she lived in Venezuela for most of her life. The goddess in our film opening, Kali, is a goddess that is widely recognized in Hinduism. She is known as the destroyer of evil forces in Hinduism and is also called the Divine Mother. Aria's life story is portrayed throughout the film and as to why she desperately wants to save her family from being framed. Although her parents are strong and powerful people they do work a lot and barely have time for Arias but that doesn't stop aria from wanting to protect her family. Well, that's all for today, have a great day and stay safe!


Friday, March 27, 2020

New Characters !

Hi guys!!!!!

My group and I just finished our character list for our new film opening and we put a lot of thinking on this list because we wanted to create a baseline with our characters back story.

Kali: Demon
  • Despite her status as a demon, she wants to help out Aria by keeping her family out of danger
  • Good demon; she does not want to hurt humans
Aria Costales: The main female character
  • Only child
  • Reserved
  • Cares about her family and those close to her

Giulia Costales: Mom
  • Works a lot
  • Businesswoman
  • Although she is very busy and appears to be absent, she cares a lot about her family and her child
Lorenzo Costales:
  • Businessman
  • Travels a lot
  • Very absent from his child’s life, but still cares

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Changing our Idea!💔😭😡

Hi guy!!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and inside their houses, right now I'm enjoying a simple family day at home. So, what we all came here for, we have decided to change our story it was a hard decision because we were so determined to continue with our original film opening ideas but with everything that's happening we can't. So our group discussed for several days what we could do and it wasn't easy, many of the ideas we have been hard to film because most places are closed. Well, I'm sad that we can't do our idea but things happen for a reason and I'm excited to develop this one.

Now, you are all probably wondering what our idea is...

Our new story is about a goddess who appears when our main character gets sleep paralysis, the reason why the goddess appears is that she is trying to warn the girl of the dangers her family is facing. We change our action story to a more thriller genre. and I believe it will now be easier to film with our current situation I will keep you updated on our filming progress Oh! and CCR's are coming soon!


Sunday, March 22, 2020


Hello guys,

Today's blog I wanna talk about the spread of the virus and the current cases, as we all know this is a virus that was established in China but then started spreading through Europe and then it spread through the U.S. The first case in the U.S was in Washington, from there on the virus kept spreading. This virus had killed thousands of people, the symptoms for such virus are fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. This virus affects all ages, which doesn't mean just because you are a certain age you won't get it because you will.
Image result for covid-19 spread map
This virus is not to be taken lightly, many people thought it was a joke at first but it never was due to this virus schools have closed down and many businesses are forced to closed down, businesses such as Kohl's, Starbucks, Burlington Coat Factory, Ashley Steward, and many. According to the New York Times "Greg Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics, says the economy is assured of a recession — at least two consecutive quarters of economic decline — with output falling 0.4 percent in the first quarter and 12 percent in the second."  Our economy is not doing good at all, with the spread of the virus our economy could really fall.

This is some quick information I wanted to give, I said it before but I have to say it again please stay at home especially if you are sick, I'll leave some links down below for more information.

Image result for covid-19


Friday, March 20, 2020

Call from our Teacher

Hello, guys, I hope everyone is safe and staying at home.

So I have some news, on Thursday 19,2020 my class and I had a group online meeting with our teacher. She kept us updated on the current situation and what we can do, She told us that for the moment being we will start our online school on March 30th and that our school is offering to distribute computers for kids who need them. She also told us that Cambridge has allowed us to extend the date of the project, this truly helps us a lot because event though the extend it not that big it gives us more time to prepare.

 Right now, everyone's problem is that we can't film because we can't go out, this means that we might have to change our idea and think of something new and if we are working in groups we can start doing it alone. My group and I talked and we will continue to work together. Now, the only issue is that we have to change our idea of something we can do at home. We will try to do a group FaceTime on Sunday to brainstorm ideas. We have to still work on the project under the circumstances we are in.

I will keep you updated on the changes we made but this is all for today please stay safe!


Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID-19 and How It's Affecting Us

Hello guys,

I hope everyone is staying safe during this time, as we all know Covid-19 is spreading faster and faster than ever. To prevent spreading we have to stay in quarantine, this is a smart idea but it does affect my group because we can't go out to film and many places are closing due to the virus. although this isn't the worst thing, I know that we can't be doing stuff late because we don't have time, with the virus closing schools up and having us do online school we lose time.

We still have our blogs to finish, the CCR'S, and editing to do. To this point, we can't even meet up to discuss ideas. here's a map with where the spread is:

Image result for covid-19 spread map

To not get the virus, we all have to stay inside and avoid contact with people because we never know who might have it, many doctors recommend distancing from people, washing hands all the time, and use as much hand sanitizer.I'll leave a link with instructions on how to protect yourselves

I hope every one stay safe and PLEASE stay inside and avoid contact with people this is the easiest way to prevent anymore spreads.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Target Audience

Hello peeps!

My competition went really good and well we WON! but that's not what I came to talk about, right now I'm on the bus working on this blog. Today I want to talk to you about the target audience we are going for, as you all know our film is under the action genre and this is a genre that is very hard to work with due to the number of action scenes and suspenseful scenes. This genre is very tricky just like any other genre it requires proper research, the target audience is young males aged around 16-25 years old. This is because most action films have large amounts of fast-paced scenes, violence and sexual content which would be the gratifications this audience will look for.

Image result for target audience for action films
This genre has a lot of impact and the reason why many people see it it's because of the stunts, explosions, and in certain occasions car chases. Such examples are what make the action genre, for our film we are trying to make a film that is liked equally to both men and women.
Image result for target audience for action films
the chart above shows us the age in which these types of films are watched more, you can tell that the range is bigger in teens.
Image result for target audience for action films
this chart shows us what makes an action film and the biggest thing is the story lie=ne without it there's no proper film that will be liked by many.

Action films have a big role and many people expect the adrenaline from this certain film and it is a challenge we are going to face in order to keep our audience entertained.

well this is it loves, I hope you liked this post now I'm going to take a fat nap

Friday, March 13, 2020

Meeting up

Hello guys,

So, I'm going to say this again, we still haven't met up, I know I know, right now it's hard and impossible for the three of us to meet up because at the moment being I'm in Orlando for a french competition and I don't get back till Saturday. We did agree to meet up on Wednesdays of next week.

Our meet up is to do final planning of the techniques we want to use in order to film and finalized the scenes. This is going to be a big part and my whole group and I will prioritize this meeting in order to make this film successful. So far I'm working from here in finding the music and working on the script I'm doing as much work as possible during the time I'm not competing.

I'm sitting at a Starbucks coffee shop and working as hard as possible in order to not be left behind and being able to be at the same pace as my group. I'm constantly communicating with them, and giving ideas.

well, I have to leave you now, I have to compete and I don't know how long it will take!


Thursday, March 12, 2020

We didn't get the song 😭💔

Hey guys, so it has been a few weeks into our project and we never got an email back form universal saying that they approve us to use the song, this means that we have to find other music as a backup.

Not having the song we wanted is disappointing but we can't let that bother us, we have to look for other songs that fit the image of our film, which is going to be hard but we'll find it. So far, none of the songs I've looked into have caught my attention they are all so repetitive and sound the same. The song we want has to carry on the film and have an impact, the song is a big part of our film just like set-design costume design, scripts, actors, and camera movements the song play the big part.

I know I'm gonna be spending the next few days trying to find the right song and when I do I'll let you guys know! This is a big obstacle in the development of our film but I know that I can let this stop me from paying attention to the other roles in the film.

For those curious, the song we wanted was "Holy moly donut shop" by Blueface.

well loves that's it for today I'll keep you updated if I find any songs that we like!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Distributing our film!?

Hello, guys, I hope everyone is having a great Wednesdays!!!!

I'm excited to comment that these next few posts will be better than ever! Today I want to talk about the distribution of our film and the platforms that we want to use in order to promote it. Now, this is not an easy task, distributing our film isn't as easy as it might seem in movies or in ads. There are many platforms to be used for distributing films but not all of them are easy and won't accept you for the first time.

One of these platforms would be Youtube, this is the #1 distributor platform and it's used by many people by putting our film on Youtube we have a great chance to attract a certain audience that's interested in out film genre. But with youtube, we also run the chance for our movie to take long recognition because not many people are going to see it in their youtube.

Either way, we plan to distribute this film the best way we can without spending too much money due to us being Highschool students. Putting our film out there gives us a chance to get recognized for our work and this is one of the steps into signing with a company which won't happen so fast it will take time and we would have to make more projects in order for us to be recognized by a pic film company.

Another platform we could use is Twitch which has the same functions as Youtube and allows our product to be put out there. This platform also makes tons of money and with putting our film we could get lots of money to further out continue the film.

Image result for youtube #1 platform
well loves that's it for today's blogs can't wait to see you on the next blog

Sunday, March 8, 2020



I got good news, we have our equipment to start filming our openings and it's the most exciting thing ever!! Juli one of my group members is bringing the equipment such as a Steadicam and lighting.

Image result for Neewer 2 Packs Dimmable Bi-Color 480 LED Video Light and Stand Lighting Kit Includes: 3200-5600K CRI 96+ LED Panel with U Bracket, 75 inches Light Stand for YouTube Studio Photography, Video Shooting

Image result for steadicam smartphone

I have a tripod so I'll be bringing one for the camera we are using.
Image result for tripod

Val will be bringing a canon camera, so far these all the equipment we need for the moment being. Since we have our equipment like mentioned before now we have to find time to film because we need to have enough time to edit and do our CCR.

That is all for today, I'll continue to keep you guys updated if anything changes

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Hello guy,

it is not a very good day, I realized that we are already in March and we haven't filmed a single scene for our project. All of our schedules are extremely busy and we never have time to meet. I understand that we have to create time but it is very difficult, we need to film this project and edit it many factors have to be done and with Springbreak coming it's going to get harder. I talked to Val and Juli and hopefully, we can film next Monday but on a good note we have all our actors, now the only things left to do is film.

I'm hoping we can figure out the scheduling problem and hopefully, we can meet next week to film as much as possible. We did add a scene to our film opening and it's when both cri's meet each other without knowing their lives will change and I'm excited about that scene. Here is a google doc's we created with our character development and a tiny outline of scenes. I really want to start filming before I leave for my competition that way I can be here and record the moment,

that is all for today guys, I;m sorry my blogs have been short I haven't really been inspired but they will change and they will be better than ever 

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Script

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is having a happy Friday.

Now let's discuss the script, our film opening is going to have a few dialogue scenes at the beginning and end of our opening. The script I'm showing is the opening scene one and through this script, our film will start developing from there on I hope you like it
We don't have the script for the end, even up till now I don't think we are going to add one but that is something we still have to discuss.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Help was needed

Hi, loves!!
I hope everyone is having a great day!  I know I am! After an exhausting day in school and nonstop thinking on how to fix our film opening, Mrs. Stocklosa blessed my day with group meetings these meetings helped me re-think which way my group and I wanted to go with this project. I realized that we were overcomplicating our opening scene. After talking with my group, they told me to not overthink the scene and make it simple, my teacher also advised us to have them do regular teenage stuff as in one girl could be doing homework while the other one is on her phone. My group also gave an excellent idea of how to end the scene, they gave me the idea to have music faded in the background and as our film is ending the music crescendos and our tittle pops out.

These group meetings truly helped me out with ideas. Now I know how  I want this project to look. I feel that we have enough scenes to make it seem long, we still have to work some scenes out and add more to be able to properly develop it. It was honestly a great experience it giving out ideas and receiving them. Those were honestly all the problems I had now I just have to get together with my group and start filming!!


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Character development


WOW ok so I'm excited because we finally developed our characters for the film, we have names and a rough image of how they will look and their aesthetic.

Character #1

This is our main character and yes it does say female because there will be two Cris a female one and male one, Now why is that? it's because it develops our story with our idea. Cris is Outgoing/ambivert, Artistic , Homebody,90’s, Brown Curly hair, Brown eyes these are all characteristics that describe our main character. Cris's personality is very different from her best friend and that's what makes it great because it's a contrast between characters.

Image result for aesthetic collage
This is somewhat her aesthetic would look like to put an idea out there

Male Cris
He is the antagonist and the trouble maker he is considered a Drugdealer has a Bad reputation he is a Trouble maker and he is the head of a drug ring. He is the cause of the problems of Female Cris and the reason as to why our film opening will develop the way we want it to.
Image result for bad boy aesthetic collage
This the aesthetic Cris would fall on with the whole rebel vibe and the bad attitude

Our las character is Aria she is considered Quirky, Outgoing, Always ready for an adventure, Life of the party. She is very different from Cris she is your typical party girl who makes the wrong choices without knowing she's making them.
Image result for aesthetic collage
This would be her look she is very girly and indeed popular but always stay with her friend Cris supports her. These two are a dynamic duo you won't see too often 

well loves that's all for today see you next blog!