Sunday, April 12, 2020

Reflection 🤔💭

Hey, guys, I wanted to share my reflection long the project with you guys!

This project was overall one my favorite projects I've done and I really did enjoy it but my group and I had lot's of struggles during this project and it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be, we first started as a group of two which meant two brains to think of ideas but that's where the problem was we had a struggle at first when it came to thinking of original ideas that not only made sense but weren't cliche, once we got our ideas we grew as a group from two members to three which did help a lot cause now we had more ideas. The real struggle once we had our ideas was to meet up and work together on our organization with the project, I realized we all had different schedules to work with and they never matched up, we also had to work with the actor's schedule and that's where the problems began because we were all so busy, Juli had soccer and I had Club activities every day after school. as a team, we never truly measured how much time this project would take us, and yes we had time in school and we used that time to work on the project outline and script but we still had to meet up for filming.

Filming: filming was another issue of ours, finding time to film was hard enough for us and for our actors, we had the ideas but now we needed the time to film and we did try our best to make the time and set up dates but something always came in between. We originally had agreed to film a few days before spring break and continue it during spring break but that never happened I left for competition and as a team, we decided to film the week before spring break once I came back but then the whole issue with COVID-19 happened, which put us in a difficult position due to our parents not wanting us to go outside. We had to change the original idea we had for another one which seemed easy to say but wasn't easy to think, now, we had to think of a whole brand new idea to film while quarantined. Yes, we did find an idea and we worked it out through facetime meetings with each other and we all worked on it non-stop from the outline to the script, to the first draft, and then the final draft.

This project took more time than we had expected especially with the unfortunate events that had happened, I know now that our biggest problem was both time management and communication. We were all so excited to make this project the best of the best, that when it came to working and meeting up for it we had a big problem in our hands. Through this project, I've learned to have big respect for the directors and producers and all of the workers in the film world because it's not as easy as it seems and this project had taught me all of that and more.

I'm proud of how our final turned out and even under these circumstances we still did our best to make it all work out even during the frustrating moments.

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