Ok so I know our the tittle pf this blog post might seem kind of weird and it is but it's a fun kind of weird, now hear me out through the few days that I've been working on this project it has been hard at first to find an idea to work on, once we chose the genre it seemed hard to think of something that wasn't too cliche or too obvious. One night I was at a friends house and it was late at night, I was having too much fun to even think about the project but then I got a call from my partner Valeri, she called me to tell me about the most insane and weird idea she had for our project, she called it "Free Donut Day" I seriously thought for a moment that she was joking but she wasn't her idea was different and weird, so I told her to explain it to me and she did, she explained this whole story of how our film was going to be based on a robbery in a donut shop and yes it seems weird but I was into it.
"Free Donut Day"
Now, our story is based on a young girl who wanted a donut and her friend told her that it was free donut day(hence the title) these two girls decided to get donuts and when they got there it seemed like a robbery had happened and one of the girls got framed. I don't want to say the whole film cause it would seem that I'm giving you all the answers but this is pretty much how it would go. Now, many are going to ask "how do you plan to develop this storyline?" and to be honest I have no idea, it seems like a weird story but I'm down for it I wanna see where this story takes my group and me.
we have already decided who our main actress is going to be, our friend Anya volunteered to help us develop this story and she's the one who is going to be our lead, I do feel that it's going to be hard to work around a schedule in which we can all meet up and working with other people is going to be hard but we do have our set in which we want to work in.
set #1
we want to use this dunkin' donut as our set in order to film, this means we would have to talk to the manager to allow us to film inside and outside, this is a process in which puts us in a situation in which we have to use our communication skills,
so far this is the only set we have so far but a video is soon coming on how we searched for places and on our meetings and filming time.
hope to see you on the next blog
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