So, I'm back and we finally sent our request to the song that we need for our film opening, it was such a long process and it wasn't as easy as we thought it was more complicated.
We had to go through many searches and websites just to find the right email but we found it. The music is own by universal music and we had to fill a whole sign up to allow permission to use the song( the song is called: Holy Moly Donut Shop) the artist of this song is Blueface, we wanted to use this song because it fits perfectly with our story. Now, it's all about waiting for the song to get approved in order to use it in the meantime we will be filming really soon and I'll post about it and our progress of it
This is a short blog today but get excited for the next few weeks for longer and better blogs
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
The boring scenes
So, I thought this project was going to be easy but it's not I didn't take in mind that there was going to be so much planning and thinking and ugh! We had an idea as a group and it's the one we are using but the hard part is developing it. Creating the scenes and not making them boring or cliche is hard because we wanna attract the attention of the audience and not make them feel bored.
So we talked to our teacher, There was a scene we had trouble with due to it being too typical and too short, after brainstorming ideas we came up with a few scenes that would help our film opening. We still have lots of progress to do and little time, we have lots of scenes to discuss and filming to do we aren't being very organized and we are making things harder on us by taking too much time and prioritizing other things rather than the project.
So far, all I know is that we are meeting Wednesday to start filming and hopefully it will be easier. One of the scenes we wanna do is in a room and multiple shots of the decoration around the room with the two girls on the bed then our scene continues.
So far, all I know is that we are meeting Wednesday to start filming and hopefully it will be easier. One of the scenes we wanna do is in a room and multiple shots of the decoration around the room with the two girls on the bed then our scene continues.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Donuts and money laundering!?
Ok so I know our the tittle pf this blog post might seem kind of weird and it is but it's a fun kind of weird, now hear me out through the few days that I've been working on this project it has been hard at first to find an idea to work on, once we chose the genre it seemed hard to think of something that wasn't too cliche or too obvious. One night I was at a friends house and it was late at night, I was having too much fun to even think about the project but then I got a call from my partner Valeri, she called me to tell me about the most insane and weird idea she had for our project, she called it "Free Donut Day" I seriously thought for a moment that she was joking but she wasn't her idea was different and weird, so I told her to explain it to me and she did, she explained this whole story of how our film was going to be based on a robbery in a donut shop and yes it seems weird but I was into it.
"Free Donut Day"
Now, our story is based on a young girl who wanted a donut and her friend told her that it was free donut day(hence the title) these two girls decided to get donuts and when they got there it seemed like a robbery had happened and one of the girls got framed. I don't want to say the whole film cause it would seem that I'm giving you all the answers but this is pretty much how it would go. Now, many are going to ask "how do you plan to develop this storyline?" and to be honest I have no idea, it seems like a weird story but I'm down for it I wanna see where this story takes my group and me.
we have already decided who our main actress is going to be, our friend Anya volunteered to help us develop this story and she's the one who is going to be our lead, I do feel that it's going to be hard to work around a schedule in which we can all meet up and working with other people is going to be hard but we do have our set in which we want to work in.
set #1
we want to use this dunkin' donut as our set in order to film, this means we would have to talk to the manager to allow us to film inside and outside, this is a process in which puts us in a situation in which we have to use our communication skills,
so far this is the only set we have so far but a video is soon coming on how we searched for places and on our meetings and filming time.
hope to see you on the next blog
Saturday, February 22, 2020
for the past few days, I've done nothing but look at fonts, and I don't know how to say this but if I look at one more font I might go crazy! I've seen font I've never seen before from Keep on trucking to thorn and I can tell you right now that choosing a font was very hard
But after looking at many fonts I think we found the one we need, I knew that our group had to take in mind that the font has to match our idea of the film so we couldn't do just any font presented to us, it had to be THE font otherwise it wouldn't be part of our film. So, after hours and hours of searching and well maybe an hour of binge-watching Gossip Girl, but either way as a team we finally found the font that we need.
this font caught the theme we were looking for in our film, it is exactly what we were looking for, it's sort of hard to explain it but it's the way it looks, we had a vision and that's what we found.
well, that is all for today I'm excited to talk about our idea in the next post!
Friday, February 21, 2020
Planing, Planing, Planing!
Our schedule?
OMG!!!!!!!! really excited for the next few weeks, not only did we get a new group member but we also have our schedule for meetings and film day!
I created a special calendar for my group to stay organized, the next few weeks are going to be fun but rough, we still have to meet up to discuss our ideas and organize a schedule with our actors.
OMG!!!!!!!! really excited for the next few weeks, not only did we get a new group member but we also have our schedule for meetings and film day!
I created a special calendar for my group to stay organized, the next few weeks are going to be fun but rough, we still have to meet up to discuss our ideas and organize a schedule with our actors.
These are pic of what our schedule looks like, although it looks like it's full the meeting date might change since we are very busy with our normal schedules. The schedule looks tight and full, like said it might change but we want to have enough meetings and filming days to make this film opening successful. as a team, we want to meet up as much as possible but we do take in mind that our private lives are busy, some of us play sports or are in clubs but we will work around this schedule to complete our filming and planing, we also know that our actors are busy people so we also have to work for a schedule that works with everyone, the one shown is just a rough outline of what it might look like.
We will also make voice and video recordings of our meetings and planning to keep you updated. This might be the most stressful yet fun project I have done! I will keep you updated on the most recent organization methods we use, right now I'm working on a sketch of what our costume and set design will look like as well as an outline of our film opening.
Thank you for reading and that's all for today
Monday, February 17, 2020
Film Opening
Now it took me some"hours" to choose a film opening (but as we all know it actually took me days) but apart from that this project is the most exciting one because I'm about to introduce you to the world of the action film openings!!!!!
Now, what is an action film opening?
these openings usually start with an explosion, fight, or car chase depending on the film, these films start big in order to catch the attention of the audience. Directors don't wanna give the audience the plot right there and then, they have the 2+2 rule in which they make the audience work for it instead of giving them the answers.
Now let's indulge in some great film openings!
To begin with, a great film opening is "Meet the Warriors" this film was produced in 1979 and it has one of the best opening scenes.
this scene is a great action scene because it's not only introducing the cast and crew but it also creates a mood for the audience in order for the movie to focus on the action. The music and costume design set the mood and time for that time and adds to the theme of the film. The opening of the scene talks about an army that fought with enemies and through the constant change in the scene of different gangs the audience can tell that they are all going to start a fight. This is how an action movie would typically start with an intense scene, it could either be an explosion or a fight.
Another great opening scene is "The Matrix"
this action film is am an example of people versus people, in which our main character is wanted for unknown reasons (that is for the audience to find out) but our film starts with a badass opening scene in which the audience sees a numbered screen in where two people are talking about something they need to do. This scene continuous with a great fight scene that sets the plot our "hero" being chased for whatever reasons she is being chased.
Action opening scenes have the same kind of feeling to each opening and is that feeling of adrenaline and action with fight scenes as the start of the film or explosions takes the audience straight to the action in order to develop the plot and the storyline.
I'm so excited to keep studying film openings and excited to guide you all through it!
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Action Film Research
The start of a new production
Omg!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about what's coming for the next few months, this post marks the beginning of a new project, from here on I will be recording the progress of my portfolio project and it is such an exciting project I've been waiting to come for so long. The genre my partner and I chose was Action and with this genre, there come many factors in play to create a successful action film. This genre includes several physical stunts, chases, fights, and races. Usually, this genre includes a hero and the goal they are trying to achieve, for the hero to achieve this goal he/she has to go through several obstacles that stop them from achieving the goal. This genre targets an audience of young males around the age of 16-25 because it is an action film most of the audience will be males because it tends to get very violent, Action films such as the James Bond films are good examples of action films. These films have factors needed in this genre from the handsome hero to the charming and desirable women in the film. This type of genre lets us see the story through car chases, fights, and good looking heroes.
EX: Fast&Furious

Fast&Furious falls under this category of Action, the whole movie surrounds around the adrenaline of a car race and the excitement of catching the villain. This movie became extremely popular since the movies have a franchise. Many fans love the movies because of the adrenaline that there is to it, every scene is even better than the other.
Actions films cost a lot of movie to make because of the constant destruction the is on each scene that is filmed, depending on the film that is being produced the money being spent could be greater, most action films cost about $65 million and that is only the production the side the marketing and promotion side cost around $35 million. This genre has a high cost because of all the big factors in it, the action genre is expected to be big and with explosions. The reason why I believe this genre gets lots of attraction it's because of the start theory, this theory means that a film will get more audience if it has bigger and well-known actors, and many actors also get popular because they played the hero part in the movie.
The action genre also works really well with special effects such as explosions in t, car chases, and fights. these effects create an illusion in which makes the fans want to see more of it. The special effects also add to the "magic" of an action film making it ten times more exciting and with more adrenaline.
Action films also have convections, such as Action-Adventure: person against nature, Action-Duel: Person against a person, and Action-Epic: Person against the state or other large organization. These convections play a big role in action films, the action-adventure convection can be about anything that has to do with nature and how the hero has to overcome obstacles to achieve the goal.
EX: The Hunger Games

In The Hunger Games, our hero Katniss Everdeen as a chosen one has to fight to the death against other people to survive in a dangerous environment in which poisonous gas exist. this action film in this convection brings excitement in audiences on how a human can win against nature, this film was very popular in 2012 because of the conflict with our hero and nature. Many action fans might like this genre convection because it is different because of the nature part.
Another great convection is Action-Duel: Person against a person in this convention the hunted part exist in which the villain chases the hero, the movie Pirates of the Carebian is an excellent example of it.

In this film, our "hero" Jack Sparrow has a goal to achieve but instead of him chasing the villain the roles end up being turned around. Jack has to go through many obstacles in order to achieve his goals. The special effects on this movie are what make this film so great. Through the use of these effects, they create am illusions to bring out the fantasy and action in this film.
All of the action films have important factors that make them great and these films required lots of money in order to be successful. My partner and I will be documenting our action film step by step to make this a successful film and for our audience to see it.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Electronic Rock
Electronic Rock
Electronic rock is a subgenre of the Rock genre, this genre is considered to have a theme in which most songs are about love and romance. The target audience is Highschool/College kids from ages 16-25 most of the artist in this genre are males but there's also female artist such as Grimes and feminist-punk band Le Tigre. This genre is pretty famous among both genres depending on the artist, Twenty-one pilots are one of the bands under this genre, this band uses this genre to make heartfelt songs that connect to the audience.
The artist my group chose was Killer venus, this artist is a one-woman artist who such as her artist name, she is like a goddess of love, sex, and beauty. This artist brand is to promote female empowerment through her music, the ways to develop her brand is through promotion. Social media, this platform is big amount teens now, the reason why we use this platform is that it is used among many people all around the world and it's the platforms in which helps these artists promoting their music videos, music, and post information on upcoming events. Through these media, they also create a connection with their fans and interact with them to create music or products that are based on their theme plus on what their fans look for.
Through the music video, I learned that it's their way of promoting their music and bringing a face to the artist, each part of the music video, whether it's a promotion or storytelling, helps the audience identify what theme the artist is working with and what to expect of said artist. Music video production also helps market the artist by bringing an audience who didn't know about the artist to learn about them. Youtube is the distribution platform many artists uses in order to bring fans, through this app many people who like different genres of music can come across artists who use this genre and learn more about them. It really is a great way to promote and grow the artist because they are building a fan base through an app that recommends music based on what it's audience likes.
The choices that I made with the artist were influenced by this genre and how it was developed, many electronic rock artists depend strongly on their websites to create a deep connection with their audience. It also helps develop their product among fans and it grows their promotion and profits.
Electronic rock is a subgenre of the Rock genre, this genre is considered to have a theme in which most songs are about love and romance. The target audience is Highschool/College kids from ages 16-25 most of the artist in this genre are males but there's also female artist such as Grimes and feminist-punk band Le Tigre. This genre is pretty famous among both genres depending on the artist, Twenty-one pilots are one of the bands under this genre, this band uses this genre to make heartfelt songs that connect to the audience.
The artist my group chose was Killer venus, this artist is a one-woman artist who such as her artist name, she is like a goddess of love, sex, and beauty. This artist brand is to promote female empowerment through her music, the ways to develop her brand is through promotion. Social media, this platform is big amount teens now, the reason why we use this platform is that it is used among many people all around the world and it's the platforms in which helps these artists promoting their music videos, music, and post information on upcoming events. Through these media, they also create a connection with their fans and interact with them to create music or products that are based on their theme plus on what their fans look for.
Through the music video, I learned that it's their way of promoting their music and bringing a face to the artist, each part of the music video, whether it's a promotion or storytelling, helps the audience identify what theme the artist is working with and what to expect of said artist. Music video production also helps market the artist by bringing an audience who didn't know about the artist to learn about them. Youtube is the distribution platform many artists uses in order to bring fans, through this app many people who like different genres of music can come across artists who use this genre and learn more about them. It really is a great way to promote and grow the artist because they are building a fan base through an app that recommends music based on what it's audience likes.
The choices that I made with the artist were influenced by this genre and how it was developed, many electronic rock artists depend strongly on their websites to create a deep connection with their audience. It also helps develop their product among fans and it grows their promotion and profits.
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